RewardOne is currently available for institutional sales only. To place your orders call on 9930030693

Tata CLiQ is India's renowned online web store that offers a wide range of products at the best prices. Shop for the latest mobiles, ACs, fashion, beauty & home products. TataCLiQ operates in categories such as Electronics, Fashion, Footwear, and Accessories. Tata Group's E-commerce platform Tata CLiQ also launched a premium and luxury fashion and lifestyle destination, Tata CLiQ Luxury and It has housed a wide range of apparel and accessories for men and women by luxury and bridge-to-luxury brands.

  • Select the denomination
  • Click on 'Buy Now'
  • Copy the Gift Card Code
  • Under the gift card section, add the gift card to your CLiQ Cash Wallet.
  • Please contact 8882870870 in case of any issue.
  • Clubbing of this offer with any other offer is at the discretion of the business provider.
  • Once purchased, the gift card cannot be cancelled, refunded or returned.